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Escali Instant Read Dial Thermometer

Life in the kitchen is easier when you use the right tool for the task. The Escali instant read thermometer ensures your food is cooked to a safe internal temperature and the desired doneness. Life in the kitchen is easier when you use the right tool for the task. The...


Temp & Time

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Life in the kitchen is easier when you use the right tool for the task. The Escali instant read thermometer ensures your food is cooked to a safe internal temperature and the desired doneness. Life in the kitchen is easier when you use the right tool for the task. The Escali instant read thermometer ensures your food is cooked to a safe internal temperature and the desired doneness.

The Escali Instant Read Dial Thermometer is compact, durable and designed for pocket portability. It is NSF certified, features quick fahrenheit temperature measurements and a dishwasher safe stainless steel design.

Range: 0 - 220 degrees F

NSF Certified

Manufacturer's two-year warranty

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