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Drunken Cheese | Italy

MNBUbriaco in Italian means 'drunk', so this really is 'drunk cheese'. Ubriaco cheese is traditionally made from cow's milk, which is aged for around 18 months, the last six months of which the cheese is soaked in barrels of a local wine. Upon maturity this cheese develops a soft and...

Meat N' Bone

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MNBUbriaco in Italian means 'drunk', so this really is 'drunk cheese'. Ubriaco cheese is traditionally made from cow's milk, which is aged for around 18 months, the last six months of which the cheese is soaked in barrels of a local wine.

Upon maturity this cheese develops a soft and supple texture, which ages to become firmer and crumbly, similar to a Parmigiano. It has a flowery aroma and smells of Prosecco wine. It can be served in crumbles or shavings with a glass of Prosecco or any aged, red wine.

La Casearia Carpenedo

La Casearia is a creamery and aging facility in the Veneto region of Italy. The history of the company dates back to the early 1900s, when Ernesto Carpenedo began working as a “casoin” (a word in local dialect for a cheesemonger) in a shop in the village of Preganziol. Ernesto eventually founded his own company, which is today run by his son Antonio and his grandsons Ernesto and Alessandro, who have over thirty years of experience in the dairy-cheese sector. Antonio has been devoting his attention to affinage since 1976, the year that he began steeping his first rounds of cheese in wine, giving birth to La Casearia’s signature Ubriaco (which translates into “drunken”).

Ubriaco di Raboso, is a pressed, uncooked cow’s milk cheese with a wine-washed rind. Aged for a minimum of 12 months, the semi-hard wheels are immersed in Raboso IGT wine and marc for several weeks following the first six months of aging.



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